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Image by Matt Gross
Mosobot64 2018-02-In Love FINAL (transparent).png

Art credit: Mosbot 64  


Welcome to

This love robot (left) and the organizers of Limicon would like to welcome you:  practitioners, artists, ritual builders, philosophers, community weavers, scientists, activists and the most dedicated fans of liminal, integral, metamodern, game b, bildung, and regen communities.  As we collectively emerge from the winter, it is time to spring up together and jolt the field into liveliness.


It is our hope that through this experience you feel a little less lonely, gain a little more (or a lot more) hope, and connect with others in collaboration.


This is a space to find your crews, catch the vibe & deepen your commitment to working together in communities of transformation, keeping future culture in mind.

Image by Matt Gross

Why a -con?

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Democratic and celebratory while also offering substantial community, connection, and care for all sorts of people.
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Leadership is measured in terms of community stewardship, not status.
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Driven by love and its affirmation.
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Fan-organized, fan-led, and in service to the fans.
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Honor science and hold it properly: with wonder.
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Explore sub-universes you didn't even know existed.
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Prioritize accessibility for and leadership by folks along every stage of development, all ages, all faiths, you name it!
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Not for profit
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